I'll hold off on a poll for now, as not much was said about this... here is how it's done now, any thoughts to change it?
think the way we are doing it is fair?
To sum it up, here's how we do it:
An "A" free agent is considered any player whose current rating is 90 or higher
If you lose an "A" free agent:
*you receive a Sandwich pick after round 1
*you receive the team that signed him's 2nd round pick, or if they don't have that pick you receive a SW pick after the 2nd round.
If you sign an "A" free agent:
*you lose your 2nd round pick, or if that is not available your next highest pick.
*you cannot lose picks you've traded for.
A "B" Free Agent is the next best free agents. This is determined based on the # of picks it takes after round 5 to get to 180 total picks. Last year I believe there were around 20, and ranged from 89 overall to low 80's currents, but I don't recall the specific # or ratings.
*If you lose a "B" free agent, you get a pick after round 5.
*If you sign a "B" free agent, you do not lose anything.
Potential things to consider....
Is there a way to increase the # of premier free agents available?
Should the compensation for "A" or "B" free agents be increased/decreased?
Should the definition of "A", "B", or potentially "C" be changed/added?