think the way we are doing it is fair?
To sum it up, here's how we do it:
An "A" free agent is considered any player whose current rating is 90 or higher
If you lose an "A" free agent:
*you receive a Sandwich pick after round 1
*you receive the team that signed him's 2nd round pick, or if they don't have that pick you receive a SW pick after the 2nd round.
If you sign an "A" free agent:
*you lose your 2nd round pick, or if that is not available your next highest pick.
*you cannot lose picks you've traded for.
A "B" Free Agent is the next best free agents. This is determined based on the # of picks it takes after round 5 to get to 180 total picks. Last year I believe there were around 20, and ranged from 89 overall to low 80's currents, but I don't recall the specific # or ratings.
*If you lose a "B" free agent, you get a pick after round 5.
*If you sign a "B" free agent, you do not lose anything.
Potential things to consider....
Is there a way to increase the # of premier free agents available?
Should the compensation for "A" or "B" free agents be increased/decreased?
Should the definition of "A", "B", or potentially "C" be changed/added?