"And here comes the 0-2. Byrnes hits it Castillo. Fields fires got him. Celebrate Cub fans, your team has held on, and just came back in the series from being down two to one. The Cubieeees win!!!". If you were listening to the radio on the North side of Chicago, that was what you probably heard around 10:00 last night. Don't get me wrong here. I am not here to try to bs you into that we were the more talented team than the Cubs, or anything. Anyone with any baseball sense could tell that isn't the case, and as it shows in the team's talent, the Cubs won the series. So what is this possibly about? Nothing much right now, but did anyone see the fire, and passion of this team during the series in which they "had no shot" according to the experts. They had no catcher, they had their bench infielder playing second base, they had problems keeping their outfielders happy with playing time, and a lot of their big stars just choked when it mattered(Soriano, Reyes, Hoffman, among others). And they were playing a team favored to win the world series by many. Yet amongst all odds, they lasted in the series as well as any Cindrella could. They only lost it on one pitch in the eighth inning of game FIVE. With what they showed, and cash general manager Defense has promised to put into the team, I would be happy if I was a D'back fan.